Why Resume Formatting Is So Important


Whether you are writing a resume for the first time or revising your resume for the 10th time, figuring out where to start can be tricky.  I developed a simple framework called “Structure, Format Content” to help guide you.  As you probably guessed, this method of resume development calls for us to first look at the overall structure, next at the formatting, and lastly at the resume's content. In Part 1 of this 3-part series, we covered resume structure.  Now, in Part 2, let’s focus on why formatting is so important and what steps you should take to present your resume well.

What Is Resume Formatting?

When I say “formatting,” I am referring to font style, size, spacing, italics, and bolding.  These stylistic elements all contribute to how your resume looks and feels.  A well-formatted resume is easy to read and understand. It uses clear headings, bullet points, and white space to separate different sections and make the information easy to scan. When your resume is formatted correctly, it appears consistent throughout, which conveys a sense of coherence and professionalism.  This shows that you take the application process seriously, pay attention to detail, and are meticulous, which are qualities employers look for in potential candidates.  They create a positive first impression on hiring managers and increase your chances of getting an interview.

Why Is Formatting So Important?

The most important reason to ensure you properly present your resume is clarity and readability. Hiring managers can quickly identify the most important news and evaluate your qualifications and experiences more efficiently.  Many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to screen resumes. These software programs are designed to manage the hiring process, especially at large companies where the volume of applicants is so high.  However, these computerized systems fail to use graphics and tables. Resumes with the most straightforward and cleanest text formatting are best and have a higher chance of being read.  A poorly formatted resume will not be read by the ATS and will be rejected. But a correctly formatted resume will help you to stand out from other candidates and ultimately land you the job!

Where Do I Start?

Start with your font style and sizes.  Use a limited number of fonts on a resume because it helps to create a clean, professional, and easy-to-read layout.  Using too many different fonts can make the resume look cluttered and distracts the reader.  The focus of the resume should be the content.  Make the resume easier to read by keeping the text simple and consistent.   This is especially important for headings, subheadings, and body text.  Choose easy-to-read fonts that are clear and legible, such as Arial, Calibri, Times New Roman, and Garamond.  In my resume, I use Times New Roman as my font.  As shown in the image below, I use different sizes to make my name and section headers stand out. Overall it looks professional and is easy to read.

Negative Space Is A Positive Thing

Negative space is the area on a resume left blank and unoccupied by text or graphics.  The use of white space makes a resume more visually appealing and easier to read by providing a clear separation between different sections and elements. It also highlights important information, making it stand out to the reader, and gives the impression of a polished and professional document. It helps create balance in the layout which makes it look more organized.  Furthermore, white space makes it easy for hiring managers to quickly scan your resume and find what they are looking for.

Stick To The 1 Page Rule

It is generally recommended to keep a resume to one page because it allows for easy readability and highlights the most relevant and essential information for the employer. A one-page resume is considered the standard for most job applications.  It is the best way to showcase your qualifications and skills while keeping the document concise and easy to read. A one-page resume allows hiring managers to quickly scan and evaluate your qualifications without sifting through multiple pages of information. Additionally, a one-page summary is more likely to be read in its entirety, as hiring managers often have many resumes to review and may not have the time to read multiple pages for each candidate. Furthermore, it helps you focus on the most important information, highlighting your key qualifications and accomplishments. Overall, a one-page resume is a clear, professional, and effective way to present yourself to potential employers. In addition to font styles and spacing you should ensure your content is aligned. In the picture below, items like job titles, locations worked, and dates of employment are vertically aligned so that when a reader scans my resume, they know where to look for specific details.


Resume formatting seems like a small detail, but it is essential to creating a clear and easy-to-read document. Stylistic choices like font style, size, spacing, italics, and bolding all contribute to your resume's overall look and feel—and, ultimately, its effectiveness.  Now that you know the essential elements of resume formatting, it’s time to put them into practice. If you need help with writing or revising your resume,

I offer a free resume review service. Simply send me your resume and I will provide feedback on content, clarity, and style. With my help, you can perfect your resume and increase your chances of landing your dream job. Do you have questions about how to format your resume? Message me today, and let's get started on landing you your dream job!

About Akshay Ramanathan

With 10+ years of experience as a college counselor, career coach, resume writer, and corporate professional, I know firsthand the confusion and challenges both ambitious students and purpose-driven professionals face when building a career that is engaging and meaningful.

I have successfully overcome these problems myself and helped many others do the same.

Click here to book a call and learn how I’d like to help you take your career or college experience to the next level!

Akshay Ramanathan

My name is Akshay and this is my personal website.


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